å! ü ̾ ϸ , ȿ ű
̾ ϸ Graham Harman, 1968~ ߱ ̿ ö̸ ν б(SCI-Arc) ö Ưӱ ̴. 1999 ī б ö ڻ Ŀ 2000 ֱٱ ī̷ Ƹĭб ö ƴ. ö 纯 ٽ ι θ ˷ ִ. ̵ſ Ͽ ü ̻п ν Ų ü(OOO) п Ʈ 䡻 迡 ִ ι 100 Ǿ. о Ŀ÷ (Paolo Bozzi) 2022 ڷ Ǿ.
ֿ - : ̵ſ ü ̻С(Tool-Being : Heidegger and the Metaphysics of Objects, 2002) Ʈũ : ü öС(Prince of Networks : Bruno Latour and Metaphysics, 2009; , 2019) 巯 Ʈ(The Quadruple Object, 2011; ǹȭ, 2019) : ũƮ öС(Weird Realism : Lovecraft and Philosophy, 2012) : ġ ٽ ȸϱ⡻(Bruno Latour : Reassembling the Political, 2014; , 2021) : ü ȸ ̷С(Immaterialism : Objects and Social Theory, 2016 ; , 2020) λ(The Rise of Realism, ٿ , 2017 ; , ٰ) ü : ο ̷С(Object-Oriented Ontology : A New Theory of Everything, 2018) 纯 Թ(Speculative Realism : An Introduction, 2018; , 2023) ü(Art and Objects, 2020; , 2022) ü ϴ°(Is There an Object-Oriented Architecture, 2020) ü(Architecture and Objects, 2022 ; , 2023) ݽô ü : ü öа С(Objects Untimely : Object-Oriented Philosophy and Archaeology, ũ Ʈ , 2023 ; , ٰ)
ű ȿ Kim Hyojin, 1962~ б Ͽ η ĺȭ õ翡 . ű å Ʈũ ֡, ںǡ, ü ǡ, ü, 纯 С, ϸ С ִ.