ӽ Thomas Nail, 1979~
߱ Ʋ ö̸ ݷζֿ ġ б öа ϰ ִ. 2011 Ǵб 縯 Ÿ ġö ϴ ö ڻ ߴ. Ͽ 2012 Returning to Revolution : Deleuze, Guattari, and Zapatismo ߴ. ö ϴ ιμ öа Ư ö Ѵ. Ѹ 帧 ߽ϴ ٹ Ͽ ΰϷ õѴ. ̿ ġ п ̸ ʿ å 쳽 ϴ. ֿ δ Lucretius IIIIII(2018, 2020, 2022) Ͽ The Figure of the Migrant(2015), Theory of the Border(2016), (2018 ; 2021), Theory of the Image(2019), Marx in Motion : A New Materialist Marxism(2020), Theory of the Earth(2021), Matter and Motion : A Genealogy of Kinetic Materialism(2024) ִ.
ȿ Kim Hyojin, 1962~
б Ͽ η ĺȭ õ翡 . ű å Ʈũ ֡, ںǡ, ü ǡ, ü, 纯 С, #϶ ִ.